Eng- The "Quadriletaro Romano" is a nice meeting-place, for the aperitifs ,happy hours in wine-pubs or to be late at night with some beers. This is an extraordinary place because here in the evening you will seem to be on the Barcelona's Rambla perhaps or in a square of Paris or will believe to catch a glimpse some cupola of Roman church. Let try it.
Fr- Le "Quadriletaro Romano" est le lieu des rencontres, des apéritifs des happy hours dans le vinerie et des bières jusqu'à nuit avancée. Ce lieu est extraordinaire parce que de soir ici il vous semblera de vous retrouver sur la Rambla de Barcelone ou dans une place parisienne ou croire entrevoir quelque coupole d'église romaine. À éprouver.

Ita- Il quadriletaro Romano è il luogo degli incontri, degli aperitivi degli happy hours nelle vinerie e delle birre fino a notte inoltrata. Questo luogo è straordinario perchè di sera qui vi sembrerà di ritrovarvi sulla Rambla di Barcellona o in una piazza parigina
o crederete di intravedere qualche cupola di chiesa romana. Da provare.
Torino, il Quadrilatero Romano.
7 commenti:
Very chic and pleasant!
Very clever post.
I also like the Dalai Lama getting the honorary citizenship.
I love the alleyways and architecture where you live. I am jealous of course.
I am adding you to my list of links.
Love the pics. The exposure on these is fantastic. They also look like wonderful places to be.
The lady (mannequin) wears a dress made for dancing. Cocktails and dance go together beautifully, I think.
great photos here!
That view up the street, is mesmerizing. Shadow below. Light above... The beautiful little balconies... Lovely light fixture..
Wondering if the bottom floors ever get any sunlight, though.
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