Un autre très capable blogger de Turin a montré autrefois, des très belles images nocturnes de ca place. Moi qui je ne suis pas ainsi capable, voudrais vous proposer la vision de cette magnifique place Turinoise comme habituellement j'ai envie de la voir assise aux tables de ses magnifiques bars où il me plaît m'arrêter pour un apéritif ou un snack en compagnie de ma femme la dimanche matin.
Un altro bravissimo blogger di Torino ha mostrato tempo fa, delle bellissime immagini notturne di questa piazza. Io che non sono così bravo, vorrei proporre la visione di questa magnifica piazza torinese come solitamente la vedo seduto ai tavolini dei suoi magnifici bar dove mi piace sostare per un aperitivo o uno snack in compagnia di mia moglie la domenica mattina.
Torino, piazza S.Carlo
7 commenti:
The architecture of the square is quite beautiful.
I like the square, architecture of the buildings around and its romantic windows; the sculpture, the street lamp and the story about you and your wife sitting and enjoying in Sunday mornings.
Nice capture! That sculpture conveys strength.
Norwich Daily Photo
The Goddess In You
Your Love Coach
Such nice statue! Always loved to take this kind of pictures...
The "skilful blogger" sincerely thank you so much about appreciations but, honestly speaking, about Piazza San Carlo I prefer this day shots :-) Ciao Livio !
Magnificent statue. And magnificent photos.
Oh I love the details of the buildings! And those lovely street lights.
What a wonderful view to have, while enjoying a drink or a snack.
Makes me want to go to the Caffe' Torino.
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