giovedì 22 novembre 2007

Royal Cavallerizza of Turin

These strange works of art of enigmatic and unclear meaning are exhibited in the Royal Cavallerizza of Turin, a place discarded by the Italian Defence and recovered by the Municipality. This old and great pavilion, once used as riding-school or riding-ground and carriage-house, today became a centre for conventions, performances, exhibition of conceptual art and installations. The place is still inhabited and some of its courtyards show an ancient face of Turin that maybe nobody remembers anymore. This clock realized by the Granaglia brothers’ clock factory in Turin stands out of a bricks wall illuminated by the old lamppost above. The courtyard is so amazing because it appears mysterious, rich of a history that nobody perhaps will ever be able to tell us again.

Fr- Des étranges oeuvres d’art dont je ne comprends pas signifié sont exposées à la Cavallerizza Royal de Turin, un lieu lachée de la Défense Italienne et récupérée de l'administration communale. Dans ses vieux et grands pavillons un temps destinés à école d'équitation ou de manége et garage de voiture, maintenant on tient des rencontres, piéces théatraux et expositions d'art pas conventionnel. L'endroit est encore habité et quelques cours présentent un visage ancien de la Turin qui personne presque se rappelle plus. Cette horloge réalisée de la fabrique d'horloges des frères Granaglia de Turin il fait semblant belle de soi meme suspendu a une muraille de briques et éclairée d'un vieux réverbère. La cour est très belle parce qu'il apparaît mystérieux riche d'une histoire qui peut-être personne nous saura jamais plus recompter.

Ita- Opere strane di cui non comprendo il significato sono esposte alla Cavallerizza Reale di Torino, un luogo dismesso dalla Difesa Italiana e recuperato dalla amministrazione comunale. Nei suoi vecchi e grandi padiglioni un tempo adibiti a scuola di equitazione, maneggio e rimessa per le carrozze, ora si tengono convegni, piéces teatrali e mostre di arte non convenzionale. Il luogo è ancora abitato e alcuni cortili presentano una faccia antica della Torino che nessuno di noi quasi ricorda più. Questo orologio realizzato dalla fabbrica di orologi dei fratelli Granaglia di Torino fa bella mostra di se appeso ad un muro di mattoni ed è illuminato da un vecchio lampione. Il cortile è molto bello perchè appare misterioso ricco di una storia che forse nessuno ci saprà mai più raccontare.

Torino, la Cavallerizza

5 commenti:

Gwen ha detto...

Interesting artworks, look to be made out of some sort of metal, but the meaning of the art is unclear to me.

Annie ha detto...

There is one wonderful image after another on your blog, Bucefalo. You have an artist's eye.

Dan ha detto...

Beautiful pics! While I admit that I can't appreciate all the art work that I see I am glad that there is the opportunity for expression and display. It would be interesting to view these works from different angles to catch some fresh perspective. The picture on the right seems to have been placed to invite a "walk around", the one on the left seems to be in a more constrained space.

Carlos Lorenzo ha detto...

Annie has just expressed what I was about to say, you have an eye for details, you make wonderful compositions, but it is the ability to find unusual attractive things in common places what makes your work so wonderful. Congrats.

smilnsigh ha detto...

Wonderful. I'd love to see, even more.


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