martedì 20 novembre 2007

Organ grinder - Suonatore d'organetto

This pleasant organ grinder appears sometimes in the Sunday days near the most touring corners of Turin. He sings his songs accompanying himself on his small barrel organ. The sort of rectangular blocks that he has got on the ground, are the pierced cards providing for sound emission from.
Once, on the courtyards and roads these funny guys was easy to meet.
Nowadays they are disappeared and this one revives of it their memory.

Ce sympa organiste apparaît de temps en temps la dimanche dans les angles plus touristiques de Tourin et chante ses chansons en s'accompagnant avec le son de son bizarre instrument. Les sortes de blocs rectangulaires posés sur le terrain autour, sont les fiches perforées qu'elles font émettre la mélodie de son instrument. Une fois il était commun rencontrer ces personnages dans les cours et dans les routes citoyennes. Maintenant ils sont des desparu et ca personne en ravive le leur souvenir.

Questo simpatico suonatore di organetto compare ogni tanto di domenica negli angoli più turistici di Torino e canta le sue canzoni accompagnandosi col suono del suo organetto. Quelle specie di blocchi rettangolari posti sul terreno intorno, sono le schede perforate che fanno emettere la melodia dal suo strumento. Una volta era comune incontrare questi personaggi nei cortili e nelle strade. Ora sono scomparsi e quest'uomo ne ravviva il loro ricordo.

Torino, piazza Castello

6 commenti:

Jilly ha detto...

Love the photos. So often an organ grinder has a dog or cat or, in the old days, a monkey. what has he got on the ground? Looks like a sponge?

Bergson ha detto...

People do not seem to stop much in front of the player

Isadora ha detto...

WOW! They still actually have organ grinders in Italy? Charming.

Anonimo ha detto...

Does he sing as well.

Anonimo ha detto...

We don't have that in Norwich. However, he kind of has an equivalent in a manner of speaking.

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Mike's Travels ha detto...

I can hear him, but where is the monkey?

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