Pendant ces jours on a tenu au Jardins Royale de Turin un sympathique meeting de vieille voiture de tramway pour fêter le centenaire de la gestion publique du transport citadin comancée dans l'Octobre du 1907. En réalité le service privé de tramway en Turin est plus ancien. Dans le dernier décennie du 1800 circulaient dans la ville voitures sur rail traînez de chevaux, les Omnibus, la première ligne de tramway à chevaux fut inaugurée en 1872, elle était reliant Piazza Castello avec le quartier de Nizza.
Si è tenuto in questi giorni ai giardini reali di Torino un simpatico raduno di vecchie carrozze tramviarie per festeggiare il centenario della gestione pubblica del trasporto cittadino iniziata nell'Ottobre del 1907.In realtà il servizio privato di tramway in Torino è più antico.
Nell'ultimo decennio del 1800 circolavano in città carrozze su rotaia trainate da cavalli, gli Omnibus, la prima linea di tramway a cavalli fu inaugurata nel 1872, collegava piazza Castello con la barriera di Nizza.
Trolley Festival, Festival di vecchi tram
8 commenti:
So many wonderful photos of the trams. It would be a joy if I were there, riding and seeing all the sights in Torino.
Great photos of the trolleys. They are truly things of beauty.
so nice to see these trams.
Wonderful photos! And please be so happy that you still have these running on tracks. Here, we have lost so many. And I do mean 'lost.' -sigh-
And I'm glad your mountains got enough snow, for you to ski!!!!
very hard to choose because i like all of them , but my favourite 3 posts from your blog for november are : nov 10 - piazza carignano ; nov 13 - urban sculpture ; nov 18 - s. federico arcade . thank you
I like your photos of trams. I still transport myself by tram from one destination to another every day and then I catch the bus. Tram is the oldest public transportation in my city. I am taking this advantage to say that the first tram in Sarajevo started on the New Year 1885. It was the first horse-pulled tram since it was drawn by horses. Ten years later the first electrical tram was installed in Sarajevo by Austro-Hungarian monarchy even before they installed it in Vienna.
Wow, those are cool little trolleys.
Nice post!
Lots of beautiful images in your last posts. I particularly love the mannequin in the Quadrilatero Romano and the feet of the statue on Piazza CLN !!!
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