venerdì 14 novembre 2008

Digital clone of Caravaggio in Auditorium Theater

Thirty masterpieces of great Italian painter Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, splendidly cloned with the perfection of the digital resolution, make a fine show in the halls of Torino's Auditorium RAI theater. Back lighted slides exalt the contrast between the light origin and shadows, feature that influences the complete works of this great painter.

Trenta capolavori del grande pittore italiano Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio splendidamente clonati con la perfezione della risoluzione digitale, come grandi quadri, fanno bella mostra di sé stessi nelle sale dell'Auditorium RAI di Torino. Le diapositive retroilluminate esaltano l'influenza che il contrasto tra la fonte della luce e le ombre ha in tutte le opere di questo grande pittore.
Thanks for your comments: Jm, Islipian, Catherine, Blognote,

5 commenti:

Unknown ha detto...

That is so fantastic! I believe the quality of the images is great! Glad you were able to take these photos!!!

Fashion Schlub ha detto...

That chandelier is so beautiful - like christmas ribbon candy!

Catherine ha detto...

As us in France, Livio, you get the Art works (certaibly many more than us) AND wonderful places to expose which by themselves deserve to be visited.

Diederick Wijmans ha detto...

The evolution of technology is amazing. It is a great solution to show such important works of art in this way, when the paintings themselves cannot (and should not!) travel so often! I had heard of this exhibition and hope there will be more! Thanks for sharing, Livio!!

Jessica ha detto...

Wow, ma che c'hai pensato della mostra? Le copie sono state buone?

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