lunedì 24 marzo 2008

Piazza Vittorio -2

Piazza Vittorio Veneto, simply called by anyone Piazza Vittorio, is the biggest place with arcades in Europe. Following the demolition of the city walls in 1817, the city began to develop towards the river banks. At the beginning the piazza was named Vittorio Emanuele I. After the First World War the name changed to Piazza Vittorio Veneto. The buildings on the sides of the piazza display misleading profiles to the viewers. As a matter of fact the piazza seems perfectly horizontal, but actually the buildings’ architectural designs have been planned to compensate mt.7 of dissimilarity. For those not so young anymore, Piazza Vittorio will be always remembered as a fun place.during the whole period of Carnevale merry-go-rounds and the Lunapark fully occupied the Piazza.
Piazza Vittorio Veneto map <-Click

2 commenti:

Chuck Pefley ha detto...

What an intriguing photo the first one is. Curtains, lace shawls, what?

smilnsigh ha detto...

Lovely buildings. And is that lace, hanging there?


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