giovedì 31 gennaio 2008

San Pancrazio Sanctuary and cars blessing.

I still re
member through the years of Italian economic boom (1960), this Sanctuary close Torino where every year usually people brought to bless their cars. The popular religious belief attributes to S.Pancrazio the protection and recovery of the crippled ones, the protection from the road accidents, in this way we can be able explain the blessing of means of transport and the large quantity of ex-voto kept in crypt.

J'ai encore le souvenir dans les ans du boom economique Italien (1960) de ce Sanctuaire aux portes de Tourin où chaque an était coutume porter à bénir les automobiles. La croyance religieuse populaire attribue à S.Pancrazio la protection et les guérison des estropiés, la protection des incidents routiers, de cette manière s'expliquent la bénédiction des moyens de transport et l'enorme quantité d'ex-vote gardée dans crypte.

Ho ancora il ricordo negli anni del boom economico Italiano (1960) di questo Santuario alle porte di Torino dove ogni anno era consuetudine portare a benedire le automobili. La credenza religiosa popolare attribuisce a S.Pancrazio la protezione e la guarigione degli storpi, la protezione dagli incidenti stradali, in questo modo si spiegano la benedizione dei mezzi di trasporto e l'enorme quantità di ex-voto custoditi nella cripta.

5 commenti:

Lezard ha detto...

Is this sanctuary still in use? This is wonderful to see those old small paintings. Impressive!

Unknown ha detto...

What an interesting story, I had no idea that people had their cars blessed!

Port Angeles Daily Photo

Chuck Pefley ha detto...

Blessing of the cars. What a wonderful custom. Here in Seattle each year we have a traditional "Blessing of the fleet" for fishing boats headed out into the Pacific Ocean and to Alaska. I think more of us need to have our cars blessed. Do you bless Vespas, too?

Joy ha detto...

I like your photo. It evokes a sense of history.

Happy Theme Day!

A Pinay In England
The Goddess In You
Norwich Daily Photo

Pat ha detto...

How interesting today! Thanks!


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