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10 commenti:
Beautiful displays of lamp posts. I especially like the one with the pretty red flowers!
I do like ornate street lamps. The hanging baskets add such a pretty touch.
Ciao, come al solito pubblichi sempre foto meravigliose. Nei prossimi giorni ti dedicherò una recensione su un nuovo blog che stò realizzando.
Un salutone
How lovely to have lights that are graceful as well as useful.
Che belli! Sono cosi' ripici torinesi! Well done. Buon weekend. Ciao. Antonella
Belli, specialmente quello con i fiori appesi!
I love your series of 3 on a theme. wonderful idea. I especially like the lamps. I photographed so many in Paris. All of your photos in this series are wonderful. Keep it up. Has Leonardo come home??? We so miss him.
With these little details of the Urban decoration, we can say Italians and Frenchs are, let's say, "cousins".
I love these lampioni too. They're refined, elegant, and give an historic touch to cities with past.
me piace molto questo blog! Ho visitato Torino tre anni fa. Foto bellisimi qui!
Mi piace molto questa lampada :)
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