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11 commenti:
Gorgeous series of white winter wonderlands Livio! Happy New Year! :)
Beautiful images indeed.
Oh I love that angel, Livio - what lovely pictures! Happy New Year to you and yours!
Beautiful photos in white! My favourite is the top right one! Gorgeous!
Happy New Year!
These two series are, as usual, so artistic! I love the white and grey shade on your pictures.
May this new year brings you Happiness for you and the ones you love.
Congrats for your humoristic drawing, Livio!
La nostra borsa non e tan robusta, ma non c'e piu niente da perdere dentro! Allora, aspetiammo.
The joy of your pretty winter season photos. I wish you a happy, safe, and prosperous new year!
La gioia della vostra bella stagione invernale foto. Vi auguro un felice, sicuro e prospero anno nuovo!
These are all spectacular. I love the close up details as well as your gorgeous landscape on the hill.
Leonardo's drawings from the Biblioteca Reale are currently in San Francisco as far as I know. I understand that someone ( an expert) from Turin accompanies the drawings and remains in that city for the duration of the exhibit should anything happen to any of the pieces. How grateful we were here in Birmingham that you shared these exquisite works from the master himself with our city.
Happy New Year, Livio, thank you for the beautiful photos from our region. All the best. Ciao. Antonella
Hi Livio! Just wanted to stop by again to wish you and your family a wonderfully happy New Year!!!
A Bielsko è lo stesso angelo :D
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