"Francesco Garnier Valletti"
It's an extraordinary pomogical collection which includes hundreds of varietes of apples, pears, peaches, apricots, plums, grapes...modeled by Francesco Garnier Valletti at the end of 19th century.
E' una straordinaria collezione pomologica costituita da centinaia di varietà di mele, pere, pesche, albicocche, susine, uve...modellati da Francesco Garnier Valletti a fine Ottocento
Est une extaorinaire collection pomologique d'un millier de vatiété des pommes, poires, peches, abricots,prunes, raisins...réalisés à la fin de 19me siecle par Francesco Garnier Valletti.
...Tutte l’altre creature hanno moglie od hanno figli: i canguri han le
cangure i conigli han le coniglie, l’api accoppiansi nell’aria e perfin la
dromedaria tra le sabbie nude ed erme ha il fedele dromedario. Il piú sol di
tutti è il verme lungo verme cupo verme cieco verme bieco verme triste verme
solitario...By Ernesto Ragazzoni - Elegia del verme solitario
9 commenti:
The fruity bust is fabulous!!! Love it.
The photo on the far left reminds me of the art of 16th Century man, Guiseppe Archimboldo. Love it!
Come visit my blog tomorrow (November 28) to read about the Thanksgiving Project!
I did not know this museum existed!! Thanks for your information!
Mi piace l'omaggio al verme solitario!!
very curious place... I would eat it all... :-D
So interesting Livio! That is great :)
I'm with Kate! When I saw the 1st photo I thought it had something to do with Arcimboldo work, but then I read your post and made a google search on this museum, which I find amazing!
What beautiful work. so subtle, except perhaps for the first one, which is wildly, wonderful exhuberant!
Oh, wow! I'd love to visit here!
Arcimboldo in 3D.
What a funny collection on the shelves.
I hate worms! It's not very 'adult' but I couldn't touch one.
"Verifica parola" = right ?!!
Funny too, no?
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