sabato 15 marzo 2008

Emanuele Filiberto Duke of Aosta memorial

Emanuele Filiberto Aosta Monument (lookbeforeyoubook)<-

Le massif monument dédié à Emanuele Filiberto duc d'Aoste est placé en piazza Castello dans le centre de Torino. Le duc est regardant l'Eglise de la Grande Mère de Dieu au fond de via Po. Originairement le placement était prévue en piazza Vittorio Veneto, de façon à être utilisée comme lieu de meetings et de célébrations typiques de cette période historique (1937). Cette emplacement justifierait la construction a deux face.
Torino, Piazza Castello <-Click

8 commenti:

Chuck Pefley ha detto...

Oh My! I really like your composition using the red sculpture to frame the soldiers. But, the photo of the boot with church spire behind is the most powerful! Nice work today!!

Marcel ha detto...

You have posted some photos of another place I’d love to visit. The history of WW 1 is fascinating! As mentioned before my wife and I have been on many of the via ferrates in Northern Italy. As you know many of those ferrates were built during the 1st World War. What hell those men must have endured on both the Austrian and Italian fronts.

Aosta is also one of our favorite cities, so your post also brings back some found memories. Thanks!

Marcel ha detto...

I also see you must think as highly of Bush as I do. Because of him it might be a while before we can afford to came back to visit your wonderful Country.

Anonimo ha detto...

What an unusual sculpture - but I agree with Chuck, using it to frame the soldiers has resulted in some fantastic images.

smilnsigh ha detto...

Amazing contrast... I love it. Gray and bright, bright red.


Raquel Sabino Pereira ha detto...


(Dear Bucefalo, can you check the translation from italian to english on my today's post at Atlântico Azul??? THANK YOU!!!)

Chuck Pefley ha detto...

Bucefalo, wives seem to be the same all over the word, no? Tell her, from me, she had a good idea. And for yourself, simply say "Sì, mio caro. Hai un buon occhio per aver composizione." -:))

Marie-Noyale ha detto...

Great compositions!
The framing and the colors,you have a perfect eye!

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