domenica 16 dicembre 2007

Canton 'd Monsù Pingon

The "Canton 'd monsù Pingon" is so called from at least three centuries. The honest care which monsù Pingon was demonstrating concerning antiquities, made to be born the popular saying: "na roba 'd monsù Pingon" which means still an old stuff.
Filiberto Pingone wrote the first history of the city of Torino "Sabaudi Augusta Taurinorum" (1577). If he had lived in our time, sure he would have held a blog.

Le "Canton 'd monsù Pingon" est ainsi appelé au moins de 3 siècles. Le soin qui monsù Pingon montra dans les égards des antiquités fit naître le dicton populaire: "na roba 'd monsù Pingon" qui veut indiquer au contraire une chose vieux.
Filiberto Pingone écrivit la première histoire de la ville de Tourin "Sabaudi Augusta Taurinorum" (1577). S'il avait vécu à nos jours sûrement il aurait tenu un blog. Information pour les amis français: F. Pingon nacquit à Chambery.

Il "Canton 'd monsù Pingon" è così chiamato da almeno 3 secoli. La cura sincera che monsù Pingon dimostrò nei riguardi delle antichità fece nascere il detto popolare "na roba 'd monsù Pingon" che però vuole indicare un'anticaglia, una cosa vecchia.
Filiberto Pingone scrisse la prima storia della città di Torino "Sabaudi Augusta Taurinorum (1577).
Se fosse vissuto ai nostri giorni sicuramente avrebbe tenuto un blog.
Per gli amici francesi, F. Pingon nacque a Chambery.

Image as it was - comme il était - com'era (by Comune di Torino)

Thanks to: Jackie, Gwen, Yusufyusuf, Kerry, Lilli, Antonia, Hoodphotography, Oswegan, Carlos,

9 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Yet more stunning pictures - this is one of my favourite photoblogs! I really must try to see your city for real some time!

Glasgow Daily Photo

Gwen ha detto...

The architecture is striking and the history is appreciated.

yusufyusuf ha detto...

Nice blog...

Kerri Farley ha detto...

Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog! I really appreciate it!

I LOVE the windows and doors in these shots. That "close up" of the windows is stunning! I'm going to have to try that sometime soon :)

Lilli & Nevada ha detto...

I love the history and the photos and yes i would think that he too would of had a blog.

Antonia ha detto...

I've just read the annoncement for the XXIII UIA World Congress Torino. Such nice buildings! Perhaps I should come and enjoy the details in scale 1:1! I hope the reality is at least 50% so wonderful as your photos are :)

Bettey ha detto...

I love how distinctly different each window is!

Oswegan ha detto...

I really like the close up images of the windows, and you have found very nice light for these shots. Well done.


Carlos Lorenzo ha detto...

Wonderful architecture. Merry Christmas.

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