Below are the egyptian museum windows that look in Carignano square. The green lampposts crowned with the ducal symbol are identical in the whole town centre. The Carignano palace from in the middle of square show off its incredible profile. The palace was seat of the first Italian Parliament.
Celles-ci sont les fenêtres du
musée "egizio" qui regardent sur la place Carignano. Les réverbères verts avec la couronne ducale se répètent égaux dans tout centre ville. Au mileu de la place exhibe soi-même l'incroyable profil du palais Carignano siège du premier parlemente Italien.Queste sono le finestre del
museo egizio che si affacciano sulla piazza Carignano. I lampioni verdi con la corona ducale si ripetono uguali in tutto il centro città. Centrale nella piazza fa sfoggio di se stesso l'incredibile profilo del palazzo Carignano sede del primo parlamento Italiano.
Torino, piazza Carignano
8 commenti:
I think it amazing to see how the building curves. Nice photos.
This old man's post brought tears on this Veteran's Day but not because I am a Korean War era veteran.
The Squirrel's Nest
Really great architectural shots. You really bring out the essense of the buildings
--steve buser
New Orleans Daily Photo
Che interesse architettonico meraviglioso! Vorrei vedere le stanze all'interno.
More magnificent photos!
The Carignano palace is undulating? Beautiful.
And look at the reflections you have captured, in lots of windows. Wonderful!
I always love to come to your blog. And today is the same. Wonderful photography!
You know, I am so in love with Rome that I've almost forgotten about other wonderful Italian cities. Thank you for such a glorious reminder. I think in a former life I was Italian - I feel far too much every time I think of Italy. Thank you for the chills!!
p.s. While I will not 'carry' snow to your mountains, I will certainly blow some in your direction :)
you have so wonderful feeling for architecturak details - I really enjoy your photoblog!
As everyone else said: magnifico!
Thanks for being such a constant and regular visitor and supporter of my blog, even when things get impossibly busy for me and I neglect everyone else! :-)
WoW...some beautifully captured & composed shots with lovely lighting & the colours...Excellent!
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