Eng- Also this year, as has been happening for some years, a series of luminous creations try to inject joyfulness into the city streets during the evening and nocturnal time. The event, that reached this year its 10th edition, transforms the sky over the roads in a sort of unusual and delightful stage.
My wish is to show this glowing idea in the diurnal light since is appealing even if is not shining. ->Clck for whole view
Fr- Dans la ville, comme de quelques ans arrive, une série de créations lumineuses ils cherchent à réjouir les voies citadines pendant les heures du soir et nocturnes. L'initiative persiste maintenant de 10 ans et transforme le ciel sur les routes de Turin dans une insolite et amable scène.
->Click pour une vision complète.
Voglio presentare per ora questa iniziativa luminosa alla luce diurna, perchè ha un suo fascino anche quando non brilla.
->Click per una visione completa
Torino. Luci d'artista
6 commenti:
I love these works of art! I wish we had them here in Norwich.
Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo.
Norwich Daily Photo
They look like giant snowflakes. And the fine webbing around the lights? Is it just me, or does it look like a caramell cage to anyone else?
I must say that I love the way you arrange your photos on the blog. Very creative and affective visual display :) Thanks.
Do they light up? I hope to show some photos of the lights in Oxford Street sometime soon.
They look like white sunflowers. Definitely bring joy. Love your blog. Great photos
These are interesting! They must be very pretty when all lit up!
Ohhh sigh... You have such beautiful things displayed in your city! I want to see it! :-)
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