venerdì 26 ottobre 2007

Chocolate - Cult places for greedies – IL BICERIN

This certanly is the temple of the greedy ones in Turin. Place loved by many local and international historical personages.
Enthusiastic of the Bicerin were Pablo Picasso and Ernest Hemingway (who thougth it one of 100 things to save), in remoter time Alexander Dumas, who did not carry here the Three Musketeers but did not hesitate to write: “Parmi les belles et bonnes choses remarquées à Turin, je n’oublierai jamais le bicerin,”. Nowadays I found this article on the New York Times(<-Click Here)

Ce-ci est sans doute le temple des gourmands de Turin. Lieu aimé de plusieurs des personages historique locaux et internationeaux. Enthousiastes du Bicerin ils furent Pablo Picasso et Ernest Hemingway qui pensait qu’elle était une des 100 choses à sauver et en temps plus reculés, Alexandre Dumas qui ne portérent pas ici le Trois Mousquetaires mais il écrirà “Parmi les belles et bonnes choses remarquées à Turin, je n’oublierai jamais le bicerin,”. De nous jours j’ai trouvé cet articule du New York Times (<-Cliquez ici)
->en plus savoir

Questo è senz’altro il tempio dei golosi a Torino. Luogo amato da innumerevoli personaggi storici locali e internazionali. Entusiasti del Bicerin furono Pablo Picasso ed Ernest Hemingway che pensava che fosse una delle 100 cose da salvare e in epoca più remota Alexander Dumas, che non portò qui i tre moschettieri ma scriverà “Parmi les belles et bonnes choses remarquées à Turin, je n’oublierai jamais le bicerin,”. Per i nostri giorni ho trovato questo articolo del New York Time (<-Click)
->Per saperne di più

Torino, al Bicerin

5 commenti:

smilnsigh ha detto...

Yummmmmmmmmmmm... I'm hungry, just looking at the photo! :-)


smilnsigh ha detto...

On the side of your blog, you say that you don't know what a Blog is for. It is for fun! :-)

I know, you are just being funny, when you say that. But I mean it. Everyone's Blog is for their fun.

I hope you keep enjoying yours. I'm certainly enjoying coming here.


smilnsigh ha detto...

Yes, it's me again. ,-)

Your profile says you work in engineering. But your photography is magnificent. You only take photos, for fun? Photography is not your occupation? Amazing.


Sally ha detto...

Mmmmmm, mmmmm! I'd be there!

Web-OJ ha detto...

What a beautiful place Turin is. This eatery looks so inviting!

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